Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Life of Pi - The journey of a pious young man.

My Rating - 8.5/10

There is simply nothing that you will hate about this movie. Although the book was deemed 'unfilmable' by many, Ang Lee surprisingly delivers us with an enthralling cinematic experience. Yes, maybe the story is quite flat but at the same time it is allegorical. It gives us a whole new perspective on a young man's journey towards finding God. It also shows us what solitary confinement can do to humans. Suraj Sharma and Adil Sharma did their parts superbly and as usual one of my favourite Indian actor, Irrfan Khan doesn't disappoint at all. Life of Pi shows us the artistic side of cinema. Its wonderful visuals and sensational 3D effects are a treat for our eyes. The thing that amused me the most was Ang Lee's direction. The camera angles used in the movie were out of this world. From the scene of the whale diving out of a jellyfish smack to the shipwreck scene, everything is close to perfection. The different angles through which Ang Lee has shown us different amusing angles of the boat in which Pi travels, the reflection of the sky in the still water and the beautiful sunset scenery, every scene is distinct and unique in its own way. If you ask a photographer he would tell you how good the camera angles were. Personally the angles were good enough to be compared with Stanley Kubrick's angles in the 2001: A Space Odyssey. Apart from that there is a bit of intelligent humour along with an inspiring background score which stands out. With that kind of direction this movie definitely awaits an Oscar. To end this I would say - If you haven't seen this movie while you're alive, well you shouldn't be alive. I will be leaving you with a set of pictures from the movie that might possibly justify why I am constantly praising the direction.

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