Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ten Phobias You Probably Haven't Heard Of

A Phobia Is Defined As "An Extreme Or Irrational Fear Of Or Aversion To Something"

You've all heard of common phobias like claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) sociophobia (social anxiety disorder) 
Well here I present you the ten phobias that will blow your mind!

10) Agyrophobia - Fear Of Crossing Streets


Agyrophobia is a condition in which a person has this irrational fear that he'll be harmed while crossing the street. A person suffering from this phobia avoids crossing the streets alone. If you do have this phobia, I'd suggest you to be safe on the streets because your anxiety and panic while crossing the street may lead to a fatal accident.

9) Coulrophobia - Fear Of Clowns

I know many of you people love the clowns right? i mean they act so funny, make you laugh at the circus, or kid's favourite Ronald Mcdonald. Well guess what? that's not the case with coulrophobiacs. These people freak out, get panic attacks, or get very depressed even if they think about clowns. Well if you too want to see the darker side of the clown, take our beloved "Joker" from the batman as an example (WHY SO SERIOUS?)

8) Somniphobia - Fear Of Sleep

There are multiple reasons for this. but mostly somniphobiacs are terrified of what might happen after they fall asleep. some somniphobiacs can't sleep because they have this view that they could maximize their time doing something useful (Workaholic types) Or have fun and increase their leisure activity time instead of wasting it sleeping. 

7) Dendrophobia - The Fear Of Trees.

It is more of a psychological disorder in which a person has a fear of woods, trees and forests. This phobia could be from birth or may develop later due to some traumatic event, movies like Cabin In The Woods, etc.  When exposed to such areas, the dendrophobiacs feel discomfort, rapid breaths, excessive sweating etc.

6) Spectrophobia - The Fear Of Mirrors.

spectrophobia is an irrational fear of mirrors. A person can develop this phobia because of the reasons like he/she must've seen something creepy inside the mirror, horror films, fear of looking ugly. Some fear because they think they've been watched by someone inside the mirror. Spectrophobiacs also feel that they are been pulled inside the mirror by someone.

5) Genuphobia - The Fear Of Knees.

HaHa! No Kidding! This phobia is spreading rapidly. There is no specific cause for this phobia, but this may be because while growing up the person's parents must've wore exclusive clothing which covered the entire knees. This may also develop because of an old scar on any particular knee. like I said, the reason is still not specific, but it is what it is.

4) Ithyphallophobia -  The Fear Of An Erect Penis.

This might sound funny to you, but this is really embarrassing for the person suffering from it.  The person suffering from this phobia gets totally freaked out if he sees an erect penis or have an erect penis. These people gets very depressed and act very unsocial. Well the privilege of Naughty America is definitely not for these people.   

  3)Arachibutyrophobia - The Fear Of Peanut Butter Sticking To The Roof Of Ones Mouth.

Some people are terrified or engrossed by the fact of peanut butter sticking on the roof of their mouth. this may occur if the person has an over sensitive mouth roof. Many people are allergic to peanut butter. Also the peanut butter could be a serious choking hazard for children. 

2) Pedophobia - Fear Of Children

Well everyone love kids. They find them real cute and cuddly. However a particular set of people tends to have a different view about kids. They are scared of kids so much some of them even get a panic attack when left alone with a kid. These people even have scary dreams about kids. This may be due to irritation from kids, finding kids filthy, etc. Even horror movies like Omen, Exorcist, etc are responsible to twist up people's view about children

1) Trypophobia - The Fear Of holes.

This is the most creepy phobia to have. In this a person is feared of cluster of small holes of irregular patterns. This phobia is so dangerous that even if you dont have it, just google 'trypophobia images' and i bet you'll freak out looking at those images. trypophobiacs are also scared of honeycombs, frogs, lotus seeds etc. Whenever they come across something with small holes they feel anxious, extreme headache, discomfort, increased heartbeat, mood swings, depression etc.

Thank You for reading. Tell me about your phobia in the comments.